Minor Requirements

Six courses should be taken from the Business Administration program to successfully complete the Minor in Business Administration.
The following four courses are required:

  • ACCT 2311  Fundamentals of Financial Accounting
  • FINA 3312 Business Finance
  • MNGT 2311  Management and Organizational Behavior
  • MRKT 2311  Principles of Marketing

One course from the following should also be taken:

  • BUSI 3313  Business Information Management
  • BUSI 3314  Business Ethics
  • BUSI 3315  Business Law
  • BUSI 4316  International Business

In addition one upper-division course (course code should have a numbering in the form 3XXX or 4XXX) in finance (FINA), or management (MNGT).

  1. For the social studies general education course, you should select Macroeconomics as it is a prerequisite for most business administration courses.
  2. Make sure to understand that you should satisfy the prerequisites of the course to be able to enroll for the course.
  3. The student interested in having a minor in BA should make the necessary arrangements to his/her schedule.  The BA department will not make any adjustments.  Notice that you might have to enroll for more than the regular coursework to have your minor complete before graduation in 4 years.
  4. For details, please talk to your academic advisor or contact the Business Administration Department to see Dr. Deandra Travis, Room 812