Business Administration

Subject Guides

Welcome to the library’s Business Administration subject guides! Our guides offer a comprehensive collection of resources to support research and learning of students, faculty and researchers in accounting, finance, management, marketing, and more.

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company profiles

These websites sort company profiles by jurisdiction, category, company or brand.

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Open Corporates
Open Corporates’ website makes company data worldwide, open to all. (Sorts by Jurisdiction)

ThomasNet is an online platform for supplier discovery and product sourcing in the US and Canada.

AllBusiness is one of the world’s largest online resources for small businesses, providing essential tools and resources to start, grow, and manage your business.

Manta houses a lot of company profiles that can be searched by name, category, city, state, and country. It also delivers products, services, and educational opportunities to help small business owners become more competitive in their respective industries.

D & B Hoovers
D & B Hoovers provides company profiles. It is a sales acceleration solution that provides a faster path from prospect to profitable relationship by leveraging data and analytics.

NAU library books

online publications

BizReport A source for Internet marketing and e-commerce news

Mercury Magazines Free access to research, white papers, reports, magazines, eBooks, and more valuable resources. Sign up for free.

Open (Access) Journal-Articles | MERLOT Materials

TradePub Free access to research, white papers, reports, case studies, magazines, and eBooks. Sign up for free.